On 21 March 2024 Sydbank’s AGM considered and approved the following items:
- The Directors’ Report, the Annual Report for 2023 and the recommendation for the allocation of profit. Sydbank will distribute dividend of DKK 30.56 per share and donate DKK 18m to the sponsorship fund Sydbank Fonden.
- The Remuneration Report 2023.
- 5 new members were elected and 13 members were re-elected to the Shareholders’ Committee, which now counts 68 members.
- Auditor for financial auditing and sustainability reporting assurance engagements: PwC Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab.
- Capital reduction of DKK 19,119,000 by cancelling 1,911,900 shares of DKK 10 each as well as a resulting amendment to Article 2 (1) of the Articles of Association.
- Remuneration policy.
- Directors’ remuneration for 2024.
- Indemnification of the Board of Directors, the Group Executive Management and other management members.
- The proposal of the Board of Directors to renew the authorisation to allow the Board of Directors to acquire own shares at a total value of up to 10% of the Bank’s share capital.
At the Shareholders’ Committee meeting which took place after the Bank’s AGM, Jacob Chr. Nielsen resigned from the Board of Directors. The other shareholder-elected board members were re-elected.
Consequently the Bank’s Board of Directors consists of 8 members elected by the Shareholders’ Committee: Lars Mikkelgaard-Jensen, Gitte Poulsen, Henrik Hoffmann, Janne Moltke-Leth, Jon Stefansson, Susanne Schou, Søren Holm and Ellen Trane Nørby, as well as 4 members elected by the employees: Jarl Oxlund, Jørn Krogh Sørensen, Carsten Andersen and Pia Wrang.
The Board of Directors elected Lars Mikkelgaard-Jensen as its chairman and Ellen Trane Nørby as its vice-chairman.