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On 21 March 2024 Sydbank’s AGM con­sid­ered and approved the following items:

  • The Directors’ Report, the Annual Report for 2023 and the rec­om­men­da­tion for the al­lo­ca­tion of profit. Sydbank will dis­trib­ute dividend of DKK 30.56 per share and donate DKK 18m to the spon­sor­ship fund Sydbank Fonden.
  • The Re­mu­ner­a­tion Report 2023.
  • 5 new members were elected and 13 members were re-elected to the Share­hold­ers’ Committee, which now counts 68 members.
  • Auditor for financial auditing and sus­tain­abil­i­ty reporting assurance en­gage­ments: PwC Stat­sautoris­eret Re­vi­sion­spart­nersel­skab.
  • Capital reduction of DKK 19,119,000 by can­celling 1,911,900 shares of DKK 10 each as well as a resulting amendment to Article 2 (1) of the Articles of As­so­ci­a­tion.
  • Re­mu­ner­a­tion policy.
  • Directors’ re­mu­ner­a­tion for 2024.
  • In­dem­ni­fi­ca­tion of the Board of Directors, the Group Executive Man­age­ment and other man­age­ment members.
  • The proposal of the Board of Directors to renew the au­tho­ri­sa­tion to allow the Board of Directors to acquire own shares at a total value of up to 10% of the Bank’s share capital. 

At the Share­hold­ers’ Committee meeting which took place after the Bank’s AGM, Jacob Chr. Nielsen resigned from the Board of Directors. The other share­hold­er-elected board members were re-elected.

Con­se­quent­ly the Bank’s Board of Directors consists of 8 members elected by the Share­hold­ers’ Committee: Lars Mikkel­gaard-Jensen, Gitte Poulsen, Henrik Hoffmann, Janne Moltke-Leth, Jon Ste­fans­son, Susanne Schou, Søren Holm and Ellen Trane Nørby, as well as 4 members elected by the employees: Jarl Oxlund, Jørn Krogh Sørensen, Carsten Andersen and Pia Wrang.

The Board of Directors elected Lars Mikkel­gaard-Jensen as its chairman and Ellen Trane Nørby as its vice-chairman.