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Pia Brink AndersenGroup Executive Vice President


The Equities De­part­ment is organised in three sections:


Market making and trading in Scan­di­na­vian equities, futures and options.


Extensive advisory services to Danish in­sti­tu­tion­al investors and to Sydbank's in­ter­na­tion­al coun­ter­par­ties.

Sales trading

Trading in in­ter­na­tion­al equities and de­riv­a­tives covering Europe, US and the Far East.

Phone numbers

General +45 74 37 44 93
Sales +45 74 37 44 94

Ole Kjær JensenExecutive Vice President
Tommy Lyng PedersenVice President

Fixed Income

Sydbank is a member of NASDAQ OMX, MTSDK, EUREX and the Danish clearing house VP Se­cu­ri­ties.

Fixed Income – with a staff of approx 20 - is a sig­nif­i­cant player in the Danish market.

The Bank is market making all major gov­ern­ment and mortgage bond issues.

Price in­di­ca­tions on

Reuters SYDBANK 1/2
Telerate 20895
Bloomberg SYDB

General phones

+45 74 37 46 50
+45 74 37 46 62
+45 74 37 46 60

Nikolaj ThorsøeExecutive Vice President


Sydbank is a member of NASDAQ OMX and the Danish FUTOP Clearing Centre.

With a staff of approx 20, FX & MM is a sig­nif­i­cant player in the Danish market.


The Bank is a market maker quoting spot prices in EUR/DKK and USD/DKK.


Sydbank has gathered all types of options and struc­tured deals in one de­part­ment and is one of the major market makers in FX and interest rate options in DKK. Moreover, on a regular basis we quote Scan­di­na­vian currency prices.

Reuter Dealing


Phone numbers

Spot +45 74 37 37 37

De­riv­a­tives +45 74 37 37 36

Martin NygårdExecutive Vice President


Pia Brink AndersenGroup Executive Vice President

Financial Institutions

Benny B. KristensenExecutive Vice President