US Patriot Act

Wolfsberg Group Cor­re­spon­dent Banking Due Diligence Ques­tion­naire (CBDDQ) V1.4

Foreign Account Tax Com­pli­ance Act (FATCA)

Please be advised that Sydbank A/S and its relevant branch in Germany are reg­is­tered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and have each received a Global In­ter­me­di­ary Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Number (GIIN).

Sydbank A/S and its relevant branch in Germany is reg­is­tered with the IRS as “Reg­is­tered Deemed-Compliant Financial In­sti­tu­tion (including a Reporting Financial In­sti­tu­tion under a Model 1 IGA)”.

GIIN Sydbank A/S: Q4T0VS.99999.SL.208

GIIN Sydbank A/S German branch: Q4T0VS.99999.BR.276

Please find Sydbank’s completed and signed W-8BEN-E. This version of W-8BEN-E is valid until replaced.