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Sydbank is a na­tion­wide, full-service corporate and advisory bank building on re­la­tion­ships between people. We find solutions where they are – quickly and ef­fi­cient­ly. This is the basis of the day-to-day work at Sydbank, which has grown through mergers and ac­qui­si­tions into one of Denmark’s largest banks.

Sydbank has a solid financial foun­da­tion that offers room for more business with new customers as well as existing customers. Our growth will be built on a firm and sound footing. Sydbank wishes to remain a bank operating on its own terms and we aim to be the preferred business partner. We focus on our own products but use business partners for a wide variety of financial services, for instance mortgage credit, pensions, and insurance.

As an advisory and service un­der­tak­ing Sydbank’s primary objective is to meet the financial re­quire­ments of its customers. Sydbank achieves this objective by striving to be among the absolute top per­form­ers in Denmark in terms of operating a bank and providing advisory services to customers based on their unique situation.

Sydbank’s fun­da­men­tal values

Ex­cel­lence and re­la­tion­ships create value

Customer re­la­tion­ships are guided by the Bank’s service phi­los­o­phy ‘What can we do for you?’ and the Bank acts in ac­cor­dance with the value statement: ‘Ex­cel­lence and re­la­tion­ships create value’.

We believe that the com­bi­na­tion of excellent employees and good re­la­tion­ships creates value for customers – and therefore also for the Bank.


  • We take re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for being excellent
  • We make a virtue of knowing customers’ stories and needs
  • Our ini­tia­tives create happy and satisfied customers
  • We are proud of our pro­fes­sion and our con­tri­bu­tion


  • We are committed and tell it as it is
  • To us a re­la­tion­ship means giving and advising
  • We believe in a long and honest re­la­tion­ship with our customers
  • Teamwork is a recipe for success


  • We interact with care and respect
  • We believe that human decency makes for better business
  • We are re­source­ful and capable of making decisions
  • Our efforts are focused on creating better results for customers and for the Bank

Sydbank’s core story


Sydbank’s mission is to be a bank that is close to its customers. We find solutions where they are – quickly and ef­fi­cient­ly. We build on re­la­tion­ships between people. And we focus on what is important – banking and sound business.

Banking – pure and simple.

Our bank

Rooted in Southern Jutland, Sydbank is a strong and in­de­pen­dent na­tion­wide bank operating on its own terms. For the backbone

of the Danish corporate sector and for retail clients who value pro­fes­sion­al advice we are a bank for most people but not the same bank for everyone. Good old-fashioned at­ten­tive­ness, new tech­nol­o­gy – we use what works. We know our customers and

we are close to them providing advice tailored to their in­di­vid­ual needs. Backed by the best business partners our com­pet­i­tive strength is increased.

Our bank – ex­cel­lence and re­la­tion­ships create value.


Our bank makes 3 promises – to our customers, to our employees and to our share­hold­ers. You will know us for the value we create for our customers. You will know us for our belief that excellent and committed employees are our most important asset. And you will know us for always having a level of prof­itabil­i­ty that will enable us to remain an in­de­pen­dent and re­source­ful bank.

Sydbank – what can we do for you?


  • One of Denmark's largest banks
  • Publicly listed, full-service bank
  • 60 branches including 3 in Germany
  • 2,100 employees
  • 6-12% market share - depending on customer segment

Par­tic­i­pa­tion & Mem­ber­ships

  • STEP2 XCT and SCT
  • Joined the Credeuro/ICP Con­ven­tion
  • CLS
  • The national clearing system DKK/EUR
  • The OMX group (Copen­hagen, Stockholm, Helsinki), Oslo Stock Exchange
  • ISDA
  • ISMA

Products & Services

  • Cash Letter Service
  • Entry point for payments on Denmark via STEP2 or any other channel
  • Low Value/Mass Payments send and receive MT102 FIN
  • Send and receive MT103/REC/EURO
  • Send and receive Priority Payments
  • In­ter­na­tion­al Cash Man­age­ment send and receive MT101 + MT940
  • Trade Finance
  • Custody Services

Terms & Con­di­tions

Provides trans­la­tions of Danish leg­is­la­tion, eg the Con­sol­i­dat­ed Act on measures to prevent money laun­der­ing and financing of terrorism.