Through decency and sys­tem­atic pro­ce­dures Sydbank will ensure that it is a well-run and solid bank with a re­spon­si­ble approach to financing and lending to the Bank’s customers. With a sensible and cautious approach as regards lending, the Bank will ensure a high credit quality. Our cred­it­wor­thi­ness as­sess­men­ts ensure that customers can afford to take out a requested loan and are not placed in an un­sus­tain­able financial situation due to money owed to Sydbank.

Target: DKK 10bn for green finance in 2027.

Sydbank wants to help finance a more sus­tain­able future. As a result Sydbank has set a target that in 2027 the Bank has provided lending of DKK 10bn to economic ac­tiv­i­ties or companies that con­tribute to the green tran­si­tion – green finance.

Sydbank’s de­f­i­n­i­tion of green finance is de­ter­mined in the Bank’s Green Bond Framework. The framework contains five main cat­e­gories for green finance: renewable energy, green buildings, clean trans­porta­tion, sus­tain­able use of natural resources as well as recycling and sus­tain­able pro­duc­tion. The target is defined and de­ter­mined in relation to the economic ac­tiv­i­ties described in the Bank’s Green Bond Framework.

The common de­f­i­n­i­tion of green finance allows us to identify green loans across our business – and con­se­quently to work towards the target of DKK 10bn for green finance in 2027. New financing solutions are underway to our corporate clients as well as our retail clients. Solutions that can be cat­e­gorised as green loans in ac­cor­dance with the Bank’s Green Bond Framework. Examples of our existing solutions are Sydbank Energilån (energy loans), EV loans for retail clients and green loans for corporate clients.

In order to identify green loans the loan purpose must be known. Data avail­abil­ity and doc­u­men­ta­tion represent chal­lenges to our green finance efforts and our focus is on finding solutions to these chal­lenges to ensure that our target is based on a solid foun­da­tion. A greater volume of data will enable us to identify and provide doc­u­men­ta­tion for a loan purpose as green finance.