Sydbank goes to great lengths to be attentive and provide advice based on your preferences, plans and requirements. However if you are not satisfied with the services you have received from Sydbank you are welcome to contact your account manager or the local branch management.
If you are unable to reach an agreement – and you wish to file a complaint – you may contact Sydbank’s Head of Legal Department, the Bank’s Complaints Officer, tel +45 74 37 20 90 or klageans[email protected]
Complaints by letter may be sent to:
Sydbank A/S
Att: Complaints Officer
Peberlyk 4
6200 Aabenraa
If you still do not agree with us after your complaint has been dealt with by the Bank’s Complaints Officer, retail clients may file a complaint with the Danish Financial Complaint Board, St. Kongensgade 62, 2. sal, 1264 Copenhagen K, Denmark,
You may also file a complaint using the EU Commission’s online complaints portal at This is particularly relevant if you are a consumer residing in another EU member state. If you file a complaint using the complaints portal, you must state Sydbank’s email address, which is klageans[email protected].